Jul 19, 2015

Applikasi ShinePlus Rekomendasi Applikasi Penganti TalkBack

Applikasi ShinePlus Rekomendasi Applikasi Penganti TalkBack

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi kepada sobat-sobat KOSTOLESTEKSISTIKUSTU sebuah applikasi ScreendReader di Android yang dapat sobat-sobat jadikan rekomendasi selain TalkBack, applikasi ini bernama ShinePlus.

ShinePlus adalah layanan applikasi untuk mendukung pengguna yang memiliki masalah pada pengelihatan atau penyakit oftalmologi seperti Tunanetra, Low Vision, dan Presbyopia.

Cara kerja ShinePlus hampir sama dengan cara kerja dari applikasi TalkBack yaitu merubah tulisan yang ada di dalam layar ponsel menjadi suara yang dapat sobat-sobat dengarkan dengan bantuan suara TTS seperti Vocalizer TTs, Eloquence TTS, dll.
Jadi dengan menggunakan applikasi ShinePlus ini, kita dapat membaca SMS, E-mail, dan berselancar di dunia maya tampa ada halangan lagi.

Selama saya menggunakan applikasi ShinePlus ini, saya banyak menemukan kelebihan-kelebihan yang di miliki oleh applikasi ShinePlus ini diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Applikasi ShinePlus terasa lebih ringan.
    Dibanding dengan TalkBack, applikasi ShinePlus ini lebih ringan jika kita gunakan di ponsel yang memiliki Ram kecil.
  2. Untuk Ponsel yang masih menggunakan OS Android Jelley Bin 4.1.2 ataupun 4.2.2 fitur-fitur di ShinePlus terasa lebih kumplit di banding dengan menggunakan TalkBack.
  3. Applikasi ShinePlus ini dapat meng-copy artikel yang ada di web khususnya di Google Chrome.

Selain kelebihan-kelebihan yang telah saya sebutkan diatas, masih banyak lagi yang bisa sobat-sobat temukan jika menggunakan applikasi ShinePlus ini.


screenreader and magnification tool ShinePLUS is application service to support user who has problem on vision or ophthalmologic disease such as blind, low vision and presbyopia to use smartphone.

ShinePlus which is voice magnification accessibility expands largely or read in voice contents of screen.
Because only letter is expanded largely, user doesn’t have to screw eye because of small letter or to look through magnifying glass any more.
In case of Internet article of long contents, user can get audio guidance with comfortable seating on sofa.

* Video
- Blind who wants easy usage and fast searching.

Person who has low vision that wants voice and expansion only in need.

Person who has presbyopia and low vision that wants clear usage and protection of eyesight.

* Main characteristicr> ShinePlus is always hiding.
It doesn’t bother or spoil the mood until you asking for help.
User can use whisper, ear talk function of ShinePlus to check silently message from friend.
- It is optimized with chrome and provides powerful web-surfing environment.
-User can turn on/off voice/expansion mode frequently and fast to operate only when it is necessary according to using pattern of user who has low vision.
- This application includes function that prevents privacy exposure by audio guidance (Whisper, ear talk).
- It improves mobile accessibility such as fast searching, image labeling by changing physical key or screen layer through powerful usability tools.
- It includes tools (candy bar) that have no repulsion for anyone to use with simple design.

If you want to see more detail manual, Please visit http://www.atlab.biz/shine/manual/manual.txt

* Installation instruction
- ShinePlus operates normally above the version of jelly bean.
- User has to progress post setting by operation ShinePlus icon after installation.
- If there is screen to select usage type, blind selects ‘Audio centralized expansion support’, person who has low vision below 0.1 selects ‘Expansion centralized audio support’, and other person who has low vision or presbyopia selects ‘Vision protection’ button.
- ‘Usage type’ can be changed easily at ‘setting’ later even though user selects something.
- After that, select ‘Accessibility’, ‘ShinePlus’ option one by one according to instruction appearing below screen, and push final operating button.
- In succession, if user agrees with accessibility agreement, all installation is done.
- If you want to terminate ShinePlus, make it up and down with status of contacting finger on the screen.
- Touch top information bar slightly to restart.

* We are checking all of the opinions of user.
But we cannot send feedback for all of you.
Instead of that, we will focus on upgrading ShinePlus.

Bagi yang ingin mencoba applikasinya, silahkan download via PlayStore DISINI!

Mungkin itu dulu yang dapat saya bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini.
Semoga artikel di atas dapat bermanfat bagi sobat-sobat KOSTOLESTEKSISTIKUSTU semua.
Sebelum berpisah, saya ucapkan selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1436 h.
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum.
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Location: Surakarta, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia